Osenoir (pronounced Osey Noir) is a brand of the House of Osenoir, whose business lines include the Osenoir range of fashion garments, accessories and lifestyle products.
Ose is ‘beautiful’ in the Esan language of Nigeria, while Noir stands for ‘black’ in French, a language that is also occasionaly spoken in Nigeria.
Osenoir is thus the ‘beautiful black’ – the alluring description of the African spirit, life and mystery.
Founded by its CEO Dr Rebecca Akhigbe, the group, now headquartered in Scotland with an office in Atlanta, USA, has evolved into a unique fashion and lifestyle store, with manufacturing centres in USA, UK and the Far East, and a flourishing online business that allows customers to select products of their choice and specification.
Our claim to fame, call it our USP if you wish, lies in our ability to offer customers unique African designs across all our products, some ethnically African in their style and cut, and some in western dress style.
Our products find favor with customers across the globe – most of them are from the Americas, Asia, Africa and Europe.
And because we recognize the need of customers across all age groups to make a statement - a fact we unabashedly take pride in – our products find favor with the young and old alike, for both formal occasions and informal dos.
We place very high emphasis on quality. This means that we source materials from ‘best-in-class’ suppliers, work with the finest African artistes to render our designs and deliver a product that stands out for its finish, quality, design and longevity.
At Osenoir, our customers continue to inspire and give us purpose – and we endeavor, in turn, to empower them through our products, each a fashion statement, each distinctly African.